Monday, January 5, 2009

Anabelle and Millie

I think it is time to introduce you to the two little girls we have living with us. Here is Millie, often known as Millie Bean and sometimes, when necessary, as Millicent Jean.

Millie has many idiosyncrasies, many of which come from being at least partially deaf. She has an incredibly loud meow and has no fear (or even annoyance of) the vacuum cleaner. One of her favorite pastimes is to watch the snow fall.

It is good that we have so much of it around here. Although, the past week has seen very little snow and so recently, Millie has started noticing the television. She stands on her hind legs and paws at the screen. One night we were watching a DVD on our computer (the television was off) and Millie noticed the movie on the computer screen then walked over to the television and stood up to paw at the screen before returning to the computer. There was something interesting going on in her little brain.

Here is Anabelle, often known as Anabellina. She had a middle name at one point as well, but it has faded from memory.

As Anabelle and Millie were litter mates, Anabelle has developed a high, trilling meow that Millie seems to be able to hear. It is very kitten-like. She hasn't found her grown-up voice yet. Anabelle is somewhat of the toy mistress in the house. Millie plays with toys and Anabelle makes them abide by rules. One such rule is that all Mousies must be under the hutch in the dining room. Periodically, we will take a long ruler and pull out 8-10 mousies that live under there. They will all be banished under the hutch again within the hour (sometimes in as little as 20 minutes). The exception to this is the one mousie (that appears no different to the human eye) that lives in the hall closet. This is the same cat, however, that will bring a toy (most often one of these mousies) to a human occupant of the house in an expectation that a game of fetch will ensue. Games of fetch can last upwards of an hour.

This Christmas, the girls received (what have come to be called) The Best Cat Toys Ever (or BCTE) from their cousin Schroedinger. It should be noted that these toys have NEVER been banished and, in fact, we often awake to find them in our bed. These toys have inspired some amazing acrobatics and an occasional wrestling match.

In the end, they are always friends again.

Although, even in their cuddling, there exists an aspect of dominance.


  1. In our house, the best cat toy ever is a wire with a bit of cardboard on the end. Sadly, the local store doesn't sell it :(

  2. We loved the video. Schroedinger is very happy that the girls love his gift so much.

  3. I was telling a friend about your deaf cat tonight and she said the cat must be white... she says many white cats are deaf. Have you ever heard that before?
