Monday, January 12, 2009

I got nuttin'

So yesterday I posted about what I had for breakfast. Can you all tell that I'm running out of ideas? I was telling a friend at the Mother's club party that I was trying to blog each day for January but that I was afraid I was going to get stuck for ideas. She told me that once the baby comes, I will always have something to say. Hopefully, you all will want to hear it.

The party was fun. The noise level got overwhelming for awhile, but overall I enjoyed myself. Amazingly, the silver-plated pineapple candlestick holders found a good home. They were stolen the maximum number of times and the woman that ended up with them was really happy. So glad that I can spread joy.

I spoke to Molly today. She and Grayson seem to be doing well. I had a doctor's appointment today and we seem to be doing well too. I'm measuring just a little bit ahead of my date. I'm not sure what that means except that I better hurry up and get the nursery in order. Our hospital run childbirth class went well last Wednesday. I'm looking forward to the Bradley method class that starts tomorrow night. I'm anxious to meet this teacher. A lot more is riding on this class and I hope there is a good personalilty match there.

Tomorrow I will make some money (It might cover a crib and mattress if we go for the bare-bones model). I will present a workshop on Math Trails at an elementary school for their professional development half-day. I hope they like it and are interested. I think they are really cool. I intend that during the 2 hours they will actually come up with a workable trail that they could take their kids on. I think that will inspire them to work a little harder on it. This is all assuming that school is not cancelled tomorrow ... we have quite the storm coming in.

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