Thursday, January 1, 2009

Auld Acquaintance

Happy New Year Everyone! With a new year, comes a new blog. You can, of course, access my old posts on Deutsch Lessons but my life has changed quite a bit since that last post and I thought I needed a fresh start.

Since leaving Germany, we are living in South Bend, Indiana where I am crafting both in the literal and figurative sense.

The most amazing is the little girl that I am crafting inside me who will make her debut in early to mid-March. I have such an amazing outpouring of love for my unborn baby, I just can't imagine all that I will feel once she is really in this world and I can hold her in my arms and see her face.

In a more general sense, I continue to craft my life. I would like to think that I weave together old and new friendships and relationships with my husband and family while knitting in my own interests. However, this pregnancy and move have left me a bit self-absorbed in the waning months of 2008. Many an Auld Aquaintance has asked me to resume my blog so that there exists a window into my life. As such, this blog will be about the craft of my life as well as be a forum to show my my more traditional crafts (mainly with fiber and paper arts).

So welcome friends new and old. Here's to a start of a fantastic 2009.


  1. Welcome back to the blogosphere, Katterrific!

  2. I'm looking forward to reading your blog. FYI, I'm the Jenny who moved out of Tucson a year before you did.
